Contemporary bespoke plasterwork for The Connaught’s Red Room bar

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Once a townhouse owned by the Duke of Westminister, The Connaught embodies old-fashioned elegance and impeccable service, as appreciated by General Charles de Gaulle, Alfred Hitchcock and Jack Nicholson, among others. Our bespoke plasterwork added a unique ambience to the Red Room, giving it the feel of a collector’s living room.


Creating contemporary bespoke plasterwork

The Connaught’s Red Room bar was designed by Irish interior architect Bryan O’Sullivan, whose eclectic and elegant style is very current and sought-after. We worked closely with the designer’s studio to create unique shapes in his style by creating bespoke plasterwork, taking inspiration from artworks collected by the client and some decadent lighting installations.

Working closely with the studio’s design team, our workshop created and cut a range of freeform shape templates, curved both ways on the X and Y axis. This was a project where we could shun technology and our plaster carving artists used traditional hand-crafting skills for a truly exceptional finish to the room.


The biggest challenge was creating and piecing together a uniquely shaped plaster book shelf, which our eagle-eyed cutters and fitters managed to overcome brilliantly. The job reminded us of how much you can push the boundaries of the capabilities of fibrous plaster, using hand-crafting plaster skills selectively backed by technology.

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